Catch me up on:
🟢 I am on an infinite journey to up-level the Product craft.
Core Product is my PASSION
Growth Product (Product-Led Growth) is my KICK
B2B / B2B2C SaaS is my PLAYGROUND. 👇
Almost 15 years into my Product Management career, I can proudly say that:
I took two B2B Startups public.
I worked and lived in 5 countries. ❤️
I built rockstart Core and Growth Product teams and mentored talented PMs.
I was fortunate to be a part of Miro’s success story (by scaling its PLG game).
Today, I am humbled to have the opportunity to empower the 30K+ product folks community with my writing.
During 2023, I started sharing actionable insights on:
Growth Product (PLG)
Core Product
User Experince
AI mindset
VC mindset
And package those in fun, easy-to-read, zero-fluff newsletters and LinkedIn posts.
Why? Because I full-heartedly believe that to build a defensible Product career, one must live at the intersection of the above dimensions.
We can work together in one of two ways:
Full-Time Engagements (FTE)
Part-Time Engagements (Advising and Coaching)